Filter Activity in Automation Anywhere | How Filter Activity Works | Automation Anywhere

 RPA | Filter Excel Data Activity in Automation Anywhere| Automation Anywhere- Part-54

Filter Excel Data in Automation Anywhere - In this blog we will discuss another useful and interesting action or package provided by Automation Anywhere i.e. how to filter excel data using A2019 Automation Anywhere also known as Automation 360.

So in this article you will get to know how we can filter out values from the excel and then we will write the filtered data to the excel. 

Before we discuss the steps to filter data firstly we will see how to convert the excel data into the tabular format as it is a pre-requisite to filtering excel data in Automation Anywhere.

Steps to convert excel data into tabular format:-

  • Open the excel file.
  • Select the range of data i.e. if your data starts from A1 and ends till D50 so select the whole range of data from A1 to D50.
  • Now click on Format Table and select the format and a popup will occur asking where is your data in that select the data and also check the My table has headers checkbox.
  • Click on ok button and your excel data will be converted into tabular format.
  • To check the table name in excel select the table and then click on design and on the left most side you will find the table name.
This is how we can convert the excel table data into tabular format. Now we will discuss the steps to filter out excel data.

  • Open the excel file using the open action present under the Excel Advanced package. In the properties section select the desktop file tab and browse the file from the required folder where the file is present, check the My sheet contains header checkbox and give the session name as this session name will be used further in the bot where we will be using the excel actions.
  • Now we would be dragging and dropping the "get multiple cells" action from the excel advanced package. In the properties section by default all rows option would be selected you can select any option from the drop down as per the requirement and store the output in a data table variable.
  • Drag and drop the loop action and select for each row in table as the iterator, in the table variable name pass in the table name which we have given in the previous step and assign the current row to a record variable data type.
  • Drag and drop the "filter table" action from the excel advanced package. In the properties section pass in the data table variable name, the session name, in the column name pass in the name of the column on which we need to filter then in the text field select the operator which we want to define i.e. equality operator, does not contain, ends with etc.
  • Now to write the data into the excel drag and drop the "write from data table action". In the properties section enter the data table variable name and select specific worksheet by giving it's name and specify the cell from where we want to write the data and at the end pass in the session name.
With that we have come to the end of this article or blog where we have discussed how to filter the data table and write the filtered data to excel using A2019 Automation Anywhere also known as Automation 360.

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