Interview Question | Automation Anywhere

 RPA | Fastest method to retrieve data from Excel Automation Anywhere| Automation Anywhere- Part-60

Fastest Method to retrieve data from Excel Automation Anywhere - In this blog we will discuss the first interview question i.e. What is the fastest method to retrieve data from Excel Automation Anywhere.

Let us first discuss the problem statement that will be covered in this article.

Problem Statement - the problem statement that will be covered is divided into various steps which are covered as follows:

1) Extract the data from the eagle financial website in the excel file.

2) Once the data is retrieved from the excel file, then loop through all the records in the excel file using the excel based approach and the database approach.

3) Compare the time that it takes for the two approaches that it takes.

Now that we have seen the problem statement, let us now discuss the steps for the problem statement which has been discussed above. 

1) From the browser package, drag and drop the open action. In the properties section pass the url which you want to open. Before this package use the date, time variable to initialize the start time.

2) Use the recorder package, drag and drop the capture action. Select the window from which you want to capture the table.

3) Loop through each record from the table variable in which you stored the data captured from the table.

4) From Excel Advanced package use the set cell action to write the data into the excel file. This action can be used once you open the excel file from the excel advanced package using the open action.

5) Increment the counter variable by 1 and store the output in the same counter variable used.

6) Again, use the date, time package to initialize the value of the end time variable.

7) Calculate the difference between the end time and the start time to calculate the total time it takes to execute the complete process.

Now that we have seen the first approach for retrieving of data from the Excel approach it is time to take a look at the second approach i.e. the database approach for retrieval of data from the excel file for which the steps are given below:

1) Use the date and time package to assign the start time to the vStartTime variable.

2) Connect to the excel file using the connect action present under the database package.

3) Once the connection is made with the excel file, use the select query to retrieve the data from the excel file.

4) For inserting value into the excel use the insert query for which the syntax is as given below

Insert Query Syntax - insert into [tablename] ([column1],[column2]) values (value1, value2)

5) Use the date and time package to assign the end time to the vEndTime variable.

6) Calculate the difference between the end time and the start time to calculate the total time it takes to execute the complete process.

So with that we come to the end of our blog where we discussed what is the fastest method of retrieving huge amounts of data from the excel file.

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